The half-sole dance shoe that is unbelievably comfortable and allows for easy spinning...

all with a matching pouch and carabiner!

jan 23, 2015

Spinner Skins have

arrived from the 



spinner skins

nov 15, 2014

Waiting for our new samples of Spinner Skins to arrive from manufacturer. We are almost there!

Oct 15, 2014

First prototype of the Spinner Skin completed.

sept 29, 2014

First design completed and submitted to manufacturer.

aug 18, 2014

Contacted manufacturer about building Spinner Skin.

dance teachers love our spinner skins!

We know that dance teachers like it when their students are prepared for class. Spinner Skins are functional, as the dancer is able to do amazing spins with them.  Also, dance teachers like that their students are being responsible with them and put them away in their matching Spinner Skins pouch after class. No more missing half-soles!

Spin like a dolphin out of water

At Spinner Skins, we know how important it is for dancers to spin AND to feel comfortable while doing so.  Like a spinner dolphin out of the water, you will feel comfortable in your Spinner Skins and confident as you spin with amazing grace like dolphins!  

START spinning!